About Goodtanaba

Goodtanaba: I am addicted to Howrse. I breed 5 starred Arabs and QHs. I also breed Irabians and many more breeds. I breed Unicowrns of all breeds. My favorite breeds of Unicowrn would be QH, Arab, TB, IH, Chinco, Aussie, Connie, and 2 more breeds. 

About white_thundacat

white_thundacat: I also am addicted to Howrse. I breed 11 starred Arabs, 12 starred Irabians, and 11 starred IH. I make coats for passes, so I can do a little breeding every now and then. I make the coats when I have the time. For those LW fans. Please, feel free to tell me what you think! If you are commenting, please have your name as... LW____ and whatever you want, thanks! You LW people know me as the barn girl! :)
